False Advertisement, Lazy Design/Programming, Horrible Refund Policy, Bad Customer Service Ticket System. I recently purchased a server because of their holiday deal of 50% off. I wanted just to pay maybe 10 dollars or less for a minecraft server that runs 24/7 and I saw that ScalaCube had an option. Firstly, the site is not user friendly at all. Although it gives me a recommended plan, it doesn't allude to why I need the recommended plan or why I need specific RAM storage for the current game I am playing even though I select it before it tells me the recommended plan. If there is cheaper alternatives, of course people are taking the cheaper option, it is just common sense. A random user who purchases this will not see RAM usage as much as the "player slots" that it displays and will choose the cheaper alterative. (I mean what do I expect from a company that can't even have proper english titles and needs a special character for it's company name).
Another thing is the horrible UI design when going to pay. When I go to buy a specific server, I select the game server specific I wanted. Why can't the recommended plan be the minimum requirement needed. All you have to do is display all the tiers of plans that are above the recommended value to let users know what the minimum price should be to get their service running properly. The website developers just copy pasted the same webpage data onto every single choice of game and just chosen a recommended slot to display. That is just lazy programming. Why not display only the ones that are recommended and above so users do not get tricked and you don't have to display. But instead they just add a little asterisk with "If you choose a plan with a lower amount of RAM than the recommended plan has, we cannot guarantee that the server will work properly." so they do not get sued later on. That is not just scamming but bad UI design. Who is such a bad front end developer that they can't even implement a simple system for this? Either that or your attempting to scam people out of their money.
Additionally, when you go to checkout and finally pay. Why is there no checkbox for agreeing to the Terms and Conditions? I mean it is just a simple thing to do. It just says "Pay" instead. There is no indication that I have checked by actually checking a box for Terms and Conditions but instead it is assumed that I have "agree?" by just clicking on the "Pay" button. No, most companies implement just a simple checkbox to let users know that they are agreeing to the user agreement stated by the company. I mean it just a simple checkbox. How lazy can your developers get that they can't even implement such a simple thing?
One other thing is that you state a specific period that the server is wants to run. I personally only stated that I wanted the server to be ran for one month. One month is ONE SINGLE payment. Why is there automatic payments being sent up from PayPal if I only request only one single month? It should only be the first payment and that is it. There is no need to set up automatic payments if I only requested for one month unless you are running the server for more payments. I mean I can write puesdocode for this:
if (period != 1 month) {
// set up automatic payments
You can easily implement a system to check to see if users have set up an automatic payment system later, it is not that hard.
Are your developers so braindead to implement this or are you planning to scam more money from people that you don't want to implement this simple design?
Another thing is the horrible refund policy that they have implemented. Sure I get that "All purchases are final" and there were apparently "No refunds" because you want to get as many people as you want. But having bad customer service and a horrible refund policy disways future potential customers and overall hurts the bottom line in the long run. Server hosting has good enough competition that many people will just use substitutes at a higher price. Therefore, if you want to attract potential customer, you should provide the basics of good customer service. This is Business and Economics 101, do you need a simple lesson in that too? Are you 12 or something?
A good refund policy would be that you can refund in at least 1 day of the payment. I feel like that is fair considering the fact that your user agreement also states that refunds are given within 1 day of automatic payments. 24 hours is plenty of time for users to test what they have purchased and see if it is right for them. They are seeing if that specific product is operating like what they intended it to do. It shouldn't be that after you have paid, you can never get that money back. That is a horrible system and distraught customers from purchasing from them again. Come on that is basics of a good business.
One final thing is their bad customer service as well. If I go to support -> new ticket. There is an option for refunding a payment. Odd isn't it. It is almost as that was needed to be added. When you attempt to submit a ticket for refund you get this message: Unfortunately, as per our Use Agreement we can't refund your payment: 12.1. All purchases are final. No refunds will be issued". It is almost like this needed to be set up automatically because so many users wanted a refund and customer services couldn't handle all the refund requests that they wanted because of the horrible implementation that they did prior. Since in their user agreement, it stated that refunds could be 100% refunded if the service was canceled within 1 day, I sent a ticket attempting to negotiate that because I canceled my service within a few hours. However, I was promptly denied in a few hours later due to what they called "customer service". Clearly you should be looking as to why customers are leaving a bad rating and adjust your weakness accordingly. It is simple logic.
In conclusion, this system is faulty at best. I personally do not want to call it a scam since they do provide all the necessities and features that people want. It is just that they can't do the basic foundations of good business that people want. Fix the system and maybe I'll look into puchasing the service but right now it is a complete waste of money where it stands.