Pay Attention To The Bad Reviews, They Will Save You!! Do not be carried away by the good reviews - no business can write bad reviews about themselves but they can forge or lure new clients to give them good reviews.
If I have to write my experience with GENHOST, India, it will take about 10 pages for detailed information but briefly this is what you’re going to get if you host with GENHOST.
I started reselling with two different brands with them from 2021. Initially, everything was cool and good, then..
With one reseller account (hostingafrica), all 20+ websites disappeared one day and they blamed it corrupted disk with no refund or recovery!
The other reseller account (I cannot mention for business privacy) experienced what I have listed below;
0. They suspended over 300 cPanel accounts including my hosting website for the reason of one client, one website hosting phishing content - how can you suspend and punish over 300 clients because of one client?? That’s insensitive, wicked, unprofessional and not good for the hosting industry.
They asked me to get a VPS because “I cannot be allowed in shared environment” which I paid $39.99 per month; and they suspended it twice in two weeks because they claim websites on the VPS are using more resources and that I should add Cloudlinux - I was fast to backup before the suspension to save my clients and business!
For the 1 year and 4 months of reselling and hosting with them, they regularly suspended my clients account without any notification or proper reason - I had to “beg” them and they will unsuspend it.
If you want to host or resell with GENHOST, this is what you get!!
1. Errors (500, 404, etc.) almost every week
2. Server Down - your website will go down a lot of times.
3. Loss Of Money: You will pay for service and get interrupted by suspension or termination.
4. No Alert/Warning: You will not be communicated with for any action they take against your account.
5. Tickets Unanswered: Your tickets may not be answered and closed. If you’re lucky and they answer, your issue may not be solved. The ones they claim they solve will keep happening (errors)
6. They use “Respected” Client when addressing you but they do not care a bit about your website or hosting if you are a reseller.
7. Whatsapp Chat Support: They can ignore you for days without attending to you and are rude in dealing with clients after all they have taken your money.
8. Money Conscious, Not Service Conscious: If you’re a new client, they will be nice to you and take your money, when you start experiencing problems, then they show you who they really are.
9. Slow Server/System: Their server is slow and one will have to use the “Optimize Website” command to get their websites a bit faster - my clients complained a lot about speed.
10. cPanel/Softaculous/Wordpress License Errors
I can go on and on and sharing my experience - if you are new with them or have not started experiencing what we are experiencing - thank your God but be on the alert and be wise - Backup your websites and save you cash and sweat!!
I will not ask you NOT to host with them because imperfection exists every but - learn from my experience!